My voice has become really hoarse but my feathers haven’t turned black yet. Does this mean I’m going to avoid that symptom, or does it usually come later?
Corvid19 was created in a lab in Crowatia
why is a raven like a writing desk?
If the raven likes writing desks then let him. No need to pester the guy.
The crows seem to be calling my name, thought Caw.
Some corvids aren’t black at all and really, even crows aren’t just black. Humans can’t see the colors very well, but if you get up close to crow feathers and the light is right they are iridescent.
Kinda like how oil running across the ground has a rainbow gleam in the sunlight?
Yeah kinda! Some animals can see the colors more easily and to them crows probably look like parrots or something
If the sterilizing vaccine actually just adds a letter and turns us all into goth birds, I’ll gladly take it