I’ve been in this community since April 10th, 2022, but never given an introduction.

Why did you join Lemmygrad? I joined Lemmygrad from GenZedong’s subreddit and joined because it was a community of welcoming, like-minded people that were genuinely helpful. For a long time, I just read posts and comments learning as much as I could, but recently, I’ve started to comment and post more! Most of my posts so far have been news I find worthy to share from my rss news feed. If they are too much, I can tone it down, but I hope it has been helpful. So far, I manage this community, the Zapatistas community, and the Vietnam community.

What is your political ideology? My political ideology is Marxism-Leninism. If there are any specific questions regarding my thoughts on anything specific, I will gladly answer!

What is your most controversial take? My most controversial take is maybe less controversial here than elsewhere in the world, but it is very controversial among people I find outside of this community. The take is that eventually through a proper planned process, we should abolish normal everyday car use in favor of really strong, accessible, fast, green, free public transportation. I see many positives with this if done correctly. Positives for the environment will be massive. The money saved by the individual due to all the costs of cars, gas, repairs, tickets, parking fees, etc is massive. The money saved by the state due to all the costs of maintaining roads, traffic lights, traffic signs, traffic cops, fire, ambulance, and hospitals for crashes, oil, etc is also massive and can be used to provide good public transportation instead. The time saved due to no car traffic, no roads under construction, no strange traffic patterns, not having to maintain your car, not having to heat or cool your car, not having to get gas, not having to find places to park, etc will be so helpful. The safety of well built public transportation over car usage will eliminate car on car crashes, car crashes into living things, car crashes into buildings and property, drinking and driving, texting and driving, distracted driving, tired driving, etc. The amount of space saved due to the elimination of giant roads, parking lots, garages, driveways, empty space required between buildings and roads, etc will be able to be used productively and create more walkable cities. It will benefit animals that have had their habitat destroyed by giant roads for example. The point I’m making is that I see more positives in every aspect (including things I didn’t list) than I see negatives in this scenario.

Which political/historical topic(s) do you know the most about? I claim to know that I know nothing, so I would argue that I don’t know about any political/historical topic as much as I wish to know. I am always learning and what I know now won’t be even close to what I know in the future. However, to answer the question, I have studied much into both the DPRK and their history as well as Thomas Sankara and the socialist era of Burkina Faso.

Which political/historical topic(s) do you want to learn more about? If everything was an appropriate answer, that would be my answer to this question. To answer it properly, I am currently interested in learning more about Laos as I’ve found it a little difficult to find good information on compared to other socialist nations. If anyone recommends any books/videos/etc on Laos, please let me know!

Anything we should know about you? There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for socialist and eventually communist success. In general, I say something that is wrong, please correct me. If I misunderstand you, please be patient with me. There is no case which I would want to fight with one of my comrades. The fight belongs against the bourgeoisie.

Solidarity to all comrades around the world!