• darkernations
    2 months ago
    1. they are not leftists
    2. they have sufficient perceived privilege (both on the domestic and international stage) that they would advocate voting for the Democratic party

    Usually the contradictions of capital would have to affect their personal material conditions enough along with the correct resonating anti-capitalist perspectives (and hope they do not drift further towards fascism) for them to be persuaded otherwise.

    However, history suggests that the systems of formal and informal education (let’s say schooling and media, for examples) can sometimes degenerate sufficient development of collective empathetic intelligence; the murder of Rosa Luxembourg being one of the more famous example markers in European history of liberals turning more abruptly to fascism rather than marxism.

    This is not to say people are unchanging. That would be a non-scientific and non-dialectic approach. A lot of us here were liberals once.

    There are various paradigms that expand on this including labour aristocracy, manufactured consent, unequal exchange, neo-colonisation and imperialism, idealism and liberalism; not withstanding racism and American Exceptionalism.

    Lots of authors to choose for further reading including Lenin, Gramsci, Walter Rodney, Michael Parenti, Vijay Prashad, Zak Cope, Edward Said and D Losurdo to name a few from the top of my head.

    / edited for clarity