It’s funny also how his idealized ancap society is a beaurocratic nightmare, in addition to charging you a subscription to the law.

  • naom3 [she/her]
    2 months ago

    I always wonder, how do ancaps plan to administer a change to their proposed system? Through elections? Through revolution?

    You’re presuming a level of foresight and connection to reality that’s not present for most ancaps. All the ones who actually think about this sort of stuff tend to just be neoliberals

    What happens to existing billionaires when we go ancap? Do they just keep their wealth?

    Of course. Billionaires are good and if any aren’t then just do more free market stuff

    What happens to everyone in prison? Let go because it was under the old corrupt system?

    US foreign policy probably

    Is school abolished along with the age of consent?

    It’s cute you even have to ask

    • barrbaric [he/him]
      2 months ago

      You’re presuming a level of foresight and connection to reality that’s not present for most ancaps. All the ones who actually think about this sort of stuff tend to just be neoliberals

      Oh I know, it’s just fascinating to me that someone could have relatively radical political views but simultaneously not have any theory for how to actually execute those political views.