• anders@rytter.meOP
    2 years ago

    What a load of downvotes posts like this are getting in this community 😃

      • Ephera@lemmy.ml
        2 years ago

        But why do you see this post as racist? As I see it, it’s just acknowledging people’s skin color and pointing out a funny coincidence in regards to it.

        Is your interpretation that it implies white should be with white, black with black, asian with asian?

        • Joe Bidet@lemmy.ml
          2 years ago

          Well …

          • the image is based on noticing these people’s skin color in the first place, and making a joke out of them;
          • the analogy with the Rubik’s Cube means that there is something to “solve” there;
          • the last click in the Rubik’s Cube is a “perfect” state.

          So this image, due to people’s skin color, is one step away from a perfect state, where white people are with white people, black people with black people, etc… and should be “solved”?

          How can this be read otherwise? (honest question)

          • Ephera@lemmy.ml
            2 years ago

            Mostly because it’s a meme, a.k.a. dumb humor. Memes generally don’t require intricate thought. And they are frequently on the level of “haha, funny coincidence”.

            Like, yeah, some people will read it the way that you did, but it’s not like anyone will get convinced of skin color segregation from this meme. And while I don’t exactly find the thought pleasant of some greasy racist feeling reassured by this shitty meme, it doesn’t take the “haha, funny coincidence” away from me.

          • grin@fika.grin.hu
            2 years ago

            @Ephera @JoeBidet This is very interesting: my reading contained none of those you listed, and in fact reading them seems very absurd and artificial.

            - the image is based on noticing these people’s skin color in the first place, and making a joke out of them;

            To me it was a joke about the skin colors, not about the people.

            - the analogy with the Rubik’s Cube means that there is something to “solve” there;

            I can’t even…

            - the last click in the Rubik’s Cube is a “perfect” state.

            Yes, matching the patterns. I can’t even see how it isn’t obvious, like looking at a two triangles, cubes and rabbits and seeing matching rabbit-to-rabbit and triangle-to-triangle as “perfect state”.

            But maybe the solution is simpler: you don’t understand jokes. 😀

            You seem to try to “explain” it and see “hidden content” in it, while it is, simply, a joke. With no such hidden or elusive meanings. Triangle-to-triangle, and recognising that every kind has its pair and it is “almost” “perfectly matched”. That was a joke, and this all debate feels like when I was in school and the literature teacher wanted us to tell him that the poet wanted to say with the poem what he say he wanted. And I never have accepted that, and once I told him absolutely different things, and he got very angry and wanted to give me an “F” (or number 1 here around) and I told him (quite impolitely) that if he does that I will go to the director and request that he PROVE that the poet wanted to say THAT with the poem. I got nothing, was sent back to sit down (and I wasn’t his favourite pupil anyway).

            I born to be Politically Incorrect. And I still believe I’m a good person. 😉 Just really really hard to handle. :-]

      • Fest@social.veraciousnetwork.com
        2 years ago

        @JoeBidet @anders the meme would still be a little funny if you looked just at the color of the clothes. But if you do want to say the meme needs the skin colors as well to be funny, it would be racial, since it doesn’t make any races feel superior or inferior, but the joke does include different races.

            • Joe Bidet@lemmy.ml
              2 years ago

              thanks :)

              can I just ask this: do you see or not a racist undertone to this image? (i am not trying to entrap or judge your or anything, it’s just curiosity)

              • anders@rytter.meOP
                2 years ago


                No I don’t see it and neither is it my intention to make anything racist out of it. I don’t have any problems with people who are another race than I am - rather the opposite, I think other cultures are very interesting.

                I just see it as a funny coincidence that there are 3 different races and if you rotate once to the right, it will be the same race/color together. It’s just coincidence and that’s what makes it funny. Not some evil intention behind it :) and then it’s funny that someone sees it and makes a meme out of it. I’m not laughing at the color but of the coincidence, hence it is not racism.

                • Joe Bidet@lemmy.ml
                  2 years ago

                  I understand your point of view… I hear that your intention wasnt to provoke or to encourage hatred.

                  Yet, the very notion that there would be “races” here is err… a very definition of “racism” (ie. who sees things according to supposed “races”)… there is one race, the Human kind… the rest is physical differences.

                  So somehow, inevitably, making jokes based on these physical differences, on sorting people (even jokingly) according to them (especially implying that there would be a “good” configuration for the, and another that would remind a state that everyone has experience, the last step of a cube where “omg omg i am almost there!!!” feeling so good as something that inevitably needs fixing…) is further re-inforcing discriminatory mechanisms.

                  Imagine that you would see an image that would make you say “there are 4 skinnies and 4 fatties on that (virtual) picture” -> if your conception of the world, if your way of looking at things is to see “skinnies” on one side, and “fatties” on the other, if you call them that and sort them according to that, well it’s a discrimination based on physicail aspects… isn’t it?

                  whether it bears a name (“fatism”?) or not doesnt matter so much as how it is a way of looking at people and at the world, that in turns can bring about further simplifications, de-humanization (if someone is “a fatty” or “a xxxx” they often are less than just “a person”), discriminations, and as history showed, often violence…

                  Does it make any sense to you?