Not to say that one mustn’t date outside their social class. But it feels like it causes stress with expectations and the cultural differences. The poorer partner will have more responsibilities with taking care of family, and possibly more day to day stress, which the posher partner might not be able to have any empathy for. It seems like richer people do leisure better, and I often hear the richer partner complain that “my gf/bf doesn’t do anything”. Well they don’t have the material ability to kite surf or travel internationally. Seeing each other’s respective living spaces can be a shock for someone who’s used to a settler level of comfort.

I’ve definitely dated quite well off people in the past, and it didn’t go well. One woman used to insist on showing me her paystub every fortnight?? Another guy would take me to posh restaurants but then get paranoid we’d be seen. Not to say that I’m perfect, I definitely used to look for people with similar degree levels when I was dating.

More power to those that can transcend it all. Sometimes it feels like only the super rich can do it well, as they can just buy the other partner’s parents a new home and make all the problems go away with money.

Communism would make dating easier.

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    2 months ago

    I grew up poor, like, housing projects when things were good, couch surfing when they weren’t, and my wife grew up pretty solidly middle class and sometimes realizing how different our understanding of little things is because of that is amusing.

    It would probably be a lot harder if we were still dating and had really different incomes but we’ve never been that far off, and at this point our finances are 100% intermingled anyways.