At the same time, the Du Ponts developed the American Liberty League, a [fascist] organization whipping up hatred of blacks and Jews, love of Hitler, and loathing of the Roosevelts. Financed by Lammot and Irenee to the tune of close to $500,000 the first year, the Liberty League had a lavish thirty-one-room office in New York, branches in twenty-six colleges, and fifteen subsidiary organizations nationwide that distributed fifty million copies of its [fascist] pamphlets. In September 1936, while Hitler at Nuremberg expressed his grand design for the Four-Year Plan, the Du Ponts and the American Liberty League poured thousands into backing Republican Alf Landon against Roosevelt in the election. Other backers were the American Nazi party and the German-American Bund.

ETA: it’s come to my attention that this abridgement from Libcom has a lot of spelling errors. Due to this, I am including a link here to Higham’s unabridged Trading with the Enemy which you may consult for reference.