Are you a Go developer? Are you worried that Google is not collecting enough data about you? Well fear not, it appears that opt-out telemetry is about to be added to the Go toolchain!

  • Futt@lemmy.toot.ptOP
    2 years ago

    If this crap actually goes through (which it looks like it will, the maintainer seems hellbent on pushing it and completely unwilling to listen to criticism) I absolutely expect one or more forks to appear with all the google surveillance completely stripped out.

    I’m not a Go developer myself, but I get the impression that trust in the project was already wearing thin after the whole GOPROXY debacle; this just might push enough people over the edge to get the needed momentum behind a new fork.

    Also, I really hope package maintainers with the larger distributions start shipping with all this nonsense disabled by default. Apparently Fedora already ships Go with goproxy disabled.