Bicycle Tree - Snopes

The “tree that ate a bicycle” on Washington’s Vashon Island has been a popular destination for curiosity seekers for years.

The fake story

Pictures of the bicycle are commonly associated with text claiming it was left chained to a tree by a boy who went off to war in 1914.

The real story

The bicycle was left behind in the mid-1950s by a local resident who simply abandoned it.

A Ship of Theseus debate

The bicycle exhibits a somewhat varied appearance in photographs taken at different times because over the years parts of it (e.g., handlebars, tires) have been stolen or worn away and replaced with similar parts, creating a Ship of Theseus debate over whether the current bike is truly an original at this point.

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  • bubbalu [they/them]
    4 months ago

    That’s so cool! I started a big bike adventure on Vashon Island but had no idea that was there. There’s also a really beautiful labyrinth.