Hypothetically, there’s no immediate option to escape a person who has attacked you and is intent on causing you further harm. Do you think you would be able to fight back and create an opportunity to escape? Do you have a plan for if things go sideways and you end up on the ground with them raining blows down upon you? Can you fight to survive until your last breath?

  • Red PhoenixOPM
    2 years ago

    I’m currently trying to find a feasable way to do that. My main issue is that I would want to be able to strike and grapple during sparring to make it more realistic. I’m not saying that judo sparring for example wouldn’t be valuable, just for me I’m not sure it would be worth the time and money right now. We already do grappling work at my school and although it isn’t anywhere near judo level I’m not too worried about holding my own against a grappler. Maybe an MMA gym is something I need. I wish I could train like an MMA fighter or a spec ops soldier all day though lol.

    I reached out to a muay thai school in my area and asked if I could participate in their sparring sessions without taking classes… I never heard back lmao

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      2 years ago

      For sure, something like MMA sparring is probably the closest you can get to actual fighting within a safe context. Unfortunately, a lot of schools tend to be insular because instructors are afraid they’ll lose students to others. I’ve always found this to be pretty silly. If you’re not confident enough in your art to actually try it against other schools that says a lot.

      • Red PhoenixOPM
        2 years ago

        Exactly. The focus should be on learning and improving before all else. Sell-outs and inflated egos are everywhere unfortunately