China sold a record $53.3 billion of US Treasury and agency bonds in the first quarter of 2024, likely due to escalating trade tensions and a desire to diversify its assets. This move is raising concerns as China is a major holder of US debt and its actions could impact the US economy. Additionally, China has been increasing its gold reserves, potentially as a way to mitigate sanctions risk.

  • Droplet [comrade/them]
    1 month ago


    The US does not need to borrow dollars, it uses dollars that it printed itself to economically enslave and colonize the Global South.

    Simply by raising the interest rates, the US is wrecking many countries’ economy (nearly two dozen of African countries are on the brink of default right now). For example:

    Reuters: Pakistan braces for fuel shortages amid liquidity crisis

    KARACHI, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Pakistan could face a crunch in fuel supplies in February as banks have stopped financing and facilitating payments for imports due to depleting foreign exchange reserves, traders and industry sources said.

    The South Asian nation is facing a balance of payments crisis and the plummeting value of the Pakistani rupee is pushing up the price of imported goods. Energy comprises a large chunk of Pakistan’s import bill.


    France 24: Egyptians hit by soaring food prices as crisis bites

    Cairo (AFP) – Public anger has been growing for months in Egypt over a severe dollar crunch and soaring food prices.

    Scramble for dollars

    Egypt’s economy was hit hard after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last February unsettled global investors and led them to pull billions out of the North African country.

    The war sent wheat prices spiralling, heavily impacting Egypt, one of the world’s largest grain importers, and piling pressure on its foreign currency reserves.

    With costs driven up further by soaring global energy prices, official inflation topped 18 percent in November.


    Reuters: Sri Lanka to default on debt, no money for fuel, minister says

    COLOMBO, May 18 (Reuters) - Sri Lanka is expected to be placed into default by rating agencies on Wednesday after the non-payment of coupons on two of its sovereign bonds, while the energy minister said the country had run out of money to pay for fuel.

    An economic crisis unprecedented in the country’s history since independence in 1948 has led to a critical shortage of foreign exchange, that saw it miss two coupon payments on sovereign bonds on April 18.

    Sri Lanka currently has no dollars to pay for petrol shipments, Power and Energy Minister Kanchana Wijesekera told parliament, appealing to people to stop queuing for the next two days.


    What Biden is doing now is to funnel hundreds of billions of dollars through Ukraine and Israel to ensure that these starving countries, hungry for the dollar to import essential commodities, to continue be enslaved under the dollar regime, since a BRICS alternative is not available anytime soon. Like fishes in a drying pond praying for rain for a brief respite from the US engineered drought.

    This is why I am so afraid of Biden. He is the imperialist who is willing to drive billions into starvation and death if that’s what it takes to preserve the US hegemony over the world.