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  • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
    1 month ago

    People of other countries scared of trump

    Biden is bombing yemen, escalating the Strait Crisis, worsen the situation in Korea to the point both govs dont want reunification anymore, and is still continuing the blockade of cuba, trump will just continue biden’s policy

    Ukraine is currently losing to Russia and if biden wins they will still continue to lose

    and for palestinians Biden is already sending 1 billion dollars to Isntreal so trump will do the same he just wont lie about trying to negotiate a cease fire.

    Libs will say anything and support genocide just so people vote for their favorite fascist

      • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
        1 month ago

        yea during trump’s presidency it was the 2018 USA-DPRK summit that led to a De-escalation between both korean govs and the USA, which led to a summit between both koreas and then another USA-DPRK one in vietnam 2019, and then one with all 3 in the DMZ later that year

        the talks didnt led to much, i think most santions stood in place, the DPRK said later that trump only did them as a political move, but if we believe what Moon Chung-in who was the Special Advisor for the then president of the ROK the talks mostly failed due to John Bolton and allies that wanted a hard disarmament followin the libyan model which the DPRK diplomats where fully against