Steinbruck took things further and he decided to take up arms and to hunt members of the [NSDAP]. He shot a guard, and then also killed a member of the SA and a civilian. But they also ambushed a member of the Hitler Youth by some train tracks, and they tried to steal some explosives. Sixty‐three people were arrested, and nineteen of them were teenagers. But the Edelweiss Pirates [so‐called for their lumpenproletarian status] of the group were broken by the death sentences imposed upon them. Thirteen young German men were condemned to die, and without a trial were executed in a huge scale execution in front of the Ehrenfeld Train Station in Cologne.

The group had planned to blow up the Gestapo Headquarters in Cologne, and those who were imprisoned had been tortured terribly. But on the 10th November 1944, a large public gallows was made in front of the train station. This was huge and many of the individuals were hanged en masse on the gallows. Thirteen men were led out towards the structure and the scaffold, and there was a large crowd gathered to see what was happening. The thirteen men were then stood under the gallows, and there were six teenagers with Barthel Schink, Günther Schwarz and Johann Müller being just 16 when they were killed.