Like as of the latest book to be translated to english Akari and Menou's relationship has basically been (spoilers)

Akari: *actively declares undying love and attraction towards Menou, constantly*

Menou: blob-no-thoughts

Akari: *actively conspires to die in the hopes of saving Menou’s life, while burning her literal soul as fuel to keep a three month timeloop going for an unknown number of years in the hopes of finding an iteration where Menou lives* (corny as that sounds, the gradual reveal that that’s what was happening was great)

Menou: blob-no-thoughts

Akari and Menou: *merge their literal souls together, becoming one singular being split between two bodies, in language that’s explicitly romantic and euphemistic*

Menou: blob-no-thoughts “I made a friend.”

Akari: *gets mind-wiped by the original Menou, Hakua, who is both the literal god of the world’s main religion and so madly infatuated with Akari that she betrayed and murdered every other friend she ever had, waited a thousand years, and plotted to kill an entire world just in the hopes of being reunited with Akari*

Menou: blob-no-thoughts “I must kill god, alter the basic mechanical rules of this world, and save my friend. Then I will spend my life with her and hold her hand, as is normal for friends.”

I want to scream. meow-knife-trans

Still a shame the anime never got picked up for another season.

    • KobaCumTribute [she/her]@hexbear.netOP
      3 months ago

      Oh no Rae’s just an absolutely awful person in a lot of ways. I think at least some of that is her not entirely seeing the world she’s in as real and so feeling entitled to use her obsessive meta knowledge and bullshit protagonist powers to do personal wish-fulfillment stuff, though at least some of that involves helping people in ways she couldn’t in her former life. But it is very much more just a story doing “normal isekai wish fulfilment with problematic implications, but this time it’s queer wish fulfillment instead of straight.” I will say that the LN does have Rae reflecting on how she’s basically playing a homophobic caricature as a defense mechanism of sorts, but I can’t remember if there’s a point where she acknowledges that her whole plot to get Claire is gross and bad even if she’s also trying to save her life along the way.

      I think I’ve said this before, but her overall character arc should have been to grow and stop trying to impose her own desires on Claire while finding someone who actually reciprocated them, instead of just winning the explicitly-straight Claire as a prize for doing enough good deeds who was then perfectly happy to be her wife and spontaneously started reciprocating her feelings.