Men earn more than women in eight out of the ten most common jobs in Dutch small and medium-sized enterprises. The wage gap ranges from 3.7 percent for administrative employees to 14.3 percent for warehouse workers. There was no change in the average wage gap in these ten positions in 2023 compared to 2022. On average, men earn 6 percent more, the MKB Kennisplatform reported in the run-up to International Women’s Day tomorrow.
So you’re able to recognize that women CAN do dangerous work that pays well, but unable to recognize that sex work being the most done dangerous job for women isn’t a problem? Do you not realize that most sex workers make far less money than similarly dangerous jobs? You might see top dollar escorts on the internet but the vast majority are women who are one paycheck away from homelessness. You’re also not considering the availability of these jobs to women. I work in tech, and I no longer get job offers after transitioning. That isn’t a mistake. Women do not fit cultures constant sexual harassment and racism, which is what men expect from them. Women are seen as less capable and less intelligent. Inb4 you argue I should have to do something dangerous and unrelated to the education I payed for.
Also, your gender bioessentialism is extraordinarily outdated, and reeks of alpha male podcasts. You’re probably the type of guy to feel emasculated when a woman is stronger than you.