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We spent the week trying to track down various rumors about Bernie Sanders — namely, will he or won’t he run for a fourth term? And two things are true about his closely held decision: Nothing is official, and it would be a major shock to Democrats if he did not run.

Democrats told us they just can’t see the 82-year-old passing on another run due to his breakneck travel pace, a new book he’s busy promoting and his unique place in the liberal universe. He also chairs the HELP Committee, a massive platform for his health care and economic agenda.

Sanders is not touching the subject. The independent Vermonter would only say this when told that many Democrats expect him to run again: “I will be talking to the people in the state of Vermont at the appropriate time.”

And you know what? He’s got plenty of it. Major party candidates have until May 30 and independent candidates have until Aug. 8 to file for this year’s election, according to the Vermont Secretary of State’s office. (Sanders is technically an independent who caucuses with Democrats.)

  • edge [he/him]
    4 months ago

    That might shoot his legacy even more than he already has, but in a measurable way. Good chance he gets way less votes because of his support for genocide. And of course being older than Biden doesn’t help, despite being more fit both mentally and physically.