(Although this video is technically government propaganda, everything in the first five minutes can safely be assumed to be accurate — if, of course, simplified in the typical liberal fashion.)

Fights erupted in the stands and were broken up by police. As the game ended, members of a local anti-Semitic group flew a homemade swastika banner to cries of “Heil Hitler.” Violence broke out. The Jews battled members of the Swastika Club and other Anglo-Canadians of similar disposition for control of the swastika banner. The brawl soon escaped the confines of the ballpark. Improvised weapons, baseball bats and lead pipes were used. Truckloads of reinforcements arrived from surrounding neighbourhoods to support both sides. Italians and other immigrants long persecuted by the Anglo majority fought alongside the Jews. The Toronto Daily Star reported that the fight drew in over 10,000 people.


See Cyril Levitt & William Shaffir’s The Riot at Christie Pits for an in‐depth view.