Posting for “know your enemy” purposes. I’m in the most of the way through this, just about to get to the actual ‘tactics’ bit (coercive and non-coercive). It show’s how depraved these people are and were, not even that long ago (35 years). I’m actually surprised they release stuff like this under FoI requests!

EDIT: Actually this is a different, whitewashed version of the pdf I started reading. The original here literally had text that shows that they were using torture with strikethrough, then whitewashed notes above them. This looks like the dictation of the whitewashed version.

    1 year ago

    “Should have a warning sign or light outside the room to prevent interruptions when a “questioning” is being conducted”

    I love how they quoted the word “questioning”

    Subject is provided with ill-fitting clothing (familiar clothing reinforces identity and this the capacity for resistance)

    Lmao wee woo