I needed this to take my 8K flat picture of the mobo I got for my workstation for aliexpress. Mobo is obscure so I want to take the best pic on the internet prob.

I took a big enough cardboard box sitting around outside. I took an old unused roll of RGB LEDs sitting around from a project 7 years ago. I tested out the $70 2KW ex-mining power supply I got from ebay for my workstation. It’s working, could power my fans. But 12V wasn’t enough for the blue LEDs and it’s likely not bright enough.

I taped the strip all around the box with scotch tape. So I took an old 24V power supply I had in my closet. (The LED strip is 24V.) Wired it up.

Works. Took more than 3 hours.

  • holdengreenOPM
    2 years ago

    Yes probably. I live with my parents but the contractors (I think it’s Tesla) were supposed to put the battery wall in a while ago and they haven’t. And we were supposed to get rebates for it.

    Anyways if I have money left over I might go about getting a bit of solar panel and battery for my room specifically. (or maybe just battery since we have so much solar panel already.)