• Redcuban1959 [any]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago


    “This inhumanity and cowardice must be stopped. The federal government (Brazil’s govement) will provide new funding for UNRWA.”

    “We call on all countries to maintain and increase their contributions. The most urgent task is to establish a definitive ceasefire that allows for the provision of sustainable and unimpeded humanitarian aid and the immediate and unconditional release of the hostages. The persistence of the conflict in Palestine goes far beyond the Middle East.”

    • President Lula da Silva on Twitter
  • Justice
    4 months ago

    Ireland is tangible proof that although all the EU countries have incentive to side with genocide aka US/IS their people and their leaders CHOOSE to side with genocide in the end. They could just as easily choose not. Maybe that decision would come with some economic harm… but that’s better than having the stain of another genocide on your hands.

    It’s also basically downplayed and goes underreported what Ireland has said and done in the past 4-5 months. When people hear/see, you know, white Europeans speaking fucking common sense and roasting all their neighbors and allies for their support of Israel, I rarely if ever hear anyone levy the accusation of antisemitism against Ireland. I’m sure it absolutely happens, but it’s like people broadly see a white country that was historically heavily oppressed, colonized and genocided themselves and only won their current freedom and independence via violent, bloody, uncompromising resistance. Everyone sees what Ireland went through and what they did not that long ago (IRA dudes are still very much alive) and they go “oh yeah. I get that. I understand why they think that way.” Well if you fucking understand why the IRA tried to kill high British politicians and why they waged brutal guerrilla warfare against the British, including civilians, for decades then you should also understand why Palestinians will never stop their resistance until they win their freedom or they’re wiped from this planet. Because in the end, what other choice do they have?

    • sexywheat [none/use name]@hexbear.net
      4 months ago

      Ireland is tangible proof that although all the EU countries have incentive to side with genocide aka US/IS their people and their leaders CHOOSE to side with genocide in the end.

      Spain, too. fidel-salute

  • Moss [they/them]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    I want to mention that this isn’t just the neoliberal government randomly deciding to have a good foreign policy, this is the result of constant, wide scale pro-palestinian demonstrations in Ireland. I live in Dublin and it’s no exaggeration to say that I’ve seen massive protests at least once a week, there are posters everywhere organising marches and meetings, Palestine flags in a lot of windows, a lot of societies, like unions and student groups, demanding stronger support for Palestine, and so on.

    Also yesterday students interrupted Bernie Sanders in his visit to a university and called him out for being a Zionist

  • Philosoraptor [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    While this is extremely based, remember that Ireland is also one of the world’s largest “flag of convenience” nations that transnational corporations use to dodge tax liability in their home countries (Google is nominally headquartered there, if I recall correctly). They actively present themselves that way, and actively recruit people looking to hide their ill-gotten capital from the world. We 100% need to be loudly in support of their actions on Palestine, but it should still be critical support and calling them “the only good white country” is maybe going a little too far.

    • johnmccainstumor [none/use name]@hexbear.net
      4 months ago

      Ireland is long past the days of being revolutionary, their support for Palestine and such is merely a vestigial remnant of that past. Let’s not forget that last year the white men of Ireland fucking rioted over the existence of black and brown people, that chud Conner MacGregor made himself the self appointed leader of that mini pogrom through twitter.