Don’t you think it’s democratic that he should be allowed to run again, given his approval ratings are so low?

Should you not be in the streets, fightng for democracy?

  • LibsEatPoop [any]
    8 months ago

    Afaik, libs are of two flavors: Firstly, the ones that are libs because cons are worse and think libism is the only solution. For them, Bidoof may be a horrible person, and the Dems may be terrible and corrupt, but there’s nothing you can do except vote So, they vote Because they hate Trump. They may even agree with us lefties on all the social issues. But they think cumminism is bad and evil like Drumpf because they grew up in a Cold War world and are scared of Russia/China. Eventually, some of them can come around to accepting socialism over capitalism, especially if they have a heart and see all the bad capitalists and capitalist countries do, and you answer their very basic questions around profit-sharing, investor risk, etc. They’re not that invested in capitalism as an economic institution. But it’s still a slow and gradual process.

    Second, the ideological ghouls. These are rarer but they’re in it for the money. There’s no convincing them. In fact, they’ll be the ones convincing the good-hearted libs that we are agents of Drumpf and Putin. They may be managers or owners or other people who have or want loads of money and power. Be wary.

        8 months ago

        Combination of both, I think. I like to think of it in terms of probability: A rich, white liberal probably has a 0.5% chance of realizing things while a poor, non-white liberal living in a poor neighborhood has a 95%+ chance

      • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
        8 months ago

        I’m not voting for Biden, but will say loud and proud that I look down on anybody not voting in local elections. Material conditions definitely lean towards Biden. Trump policy-wise really wasn’t THAT bad, it’s more about what he awoke in the American right that’s so worrisome. Local elections post-Trump are a night and day difference. It’s like how we’re seeing those bills from Oklahoma trying to declare hispanic people terrorists. These people’s bigotry is emboldened by Trump. Maybe believing the dems make it better is just delaying the inevitable, but I will keep voting locally until there’s no point.

        Local (school board up to state) elections are starting to become the hypotheticals we’ve talked about for years. Openly genocidal people vs normal politicians. Pre-Trump, the dems would still win if the republican candidate was just too crazy. There was a certain candidate in my state that made national news with a shitty comment and lost to a dem solely because of how bad that single sentence was. If that same guy ran here today, he would have won.