Finally I told Stebbing that I assumed he was not Jewish because no one who was Jewish would make a ‘joke’ about those who were exterminated in the death camps. Like most Jews I had relatives who had been murdered by the Nazis.

However I was wrong. Stebbing is not only Jewish but a Zionist and for most Zionists the Holocaust is something to be weaponised. That is what is happening now with the genocide in Gaza. As I have written previously, during the Holocaust the Zionist movement was focused on one thing and one thing only — creating a ‘Jewish’ state. All else, including rescue of Jewish refugees, was put to one side. It was a distraction.

At this point I emailed Imperial College authorities informing them of Stebbing’s emails and suggesting that he was not fit to teach students given his deep racism and anti-Semitism, itself not uncommon among Zionists.