I want to stop using WhatsApp because I fuckin hate it. Does anyone use XMPP regularly? It allows encryption so I was considering it.

The consideration is whether I will have to self host it or I can use some publicly hosted instances (like how there are open Matrix instances). Also whether it has support for desktop clients that run natively on Loonix without electron.

Please share your thoughts if you have experience. Feel free to suggest other alternatives too. I won’t mind that.

  • je_vv@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Well, Nheko is behind Element in many aspects, and it seems to me it’ll ever be, Nheko is not a business backed project, as Element is, and Element is considered the “golden model”, even though it’s a just an electron app on the desktop, and not only that, new Matrix features seem 1st get into Elment due to that, and the community clients, not the business back apps, have to see how to catch up.

    On the other side, depending on the kind of chats, you won’t be able to see the sort of markdown formatting supported on Matrix chat, rendered, so for that kind of stuff (quoting, adding code snapshots whether inline or paragraphs) you better use Element. I ended up using both, though I prefer Nheko by not being an Electron app. Also, I noticed with Element, no matter the history of encrypted chats, when you 1st login to an encrypted chat, syncing from another device of your same account, you get all previous messages in the chat. However when you 1st login with Nheko, it can’t decrypt previous messages, and you will only sync further ones. That is not by itself a bad thing, but if you were counting on syncing from your own devices the whole chat history, you’ll get surprised with Nheko. Nheko is still my default client though, given my aforementioned preference to avoid using Electron apps.