Hi. Okay, maybe “overrun” isn’t the right word, but I went to check Ramble out and some user by the name of Htler_was_right has been posting a lot. Not sure if this is because Ruqqus has changed their stance on free speech, but it’s gross, and disheartening to see sites like Ramble or any site, really, be overrun by nzis or white suprem*cists. Just my rant for the day.

  • GenkiFeral@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Maybe everyone should be allowed to have their own space. Shutting some one up doesn’t change their mind. If it bothers you (bias against Jews in this case), post about all of the other whites (nonJews) Hitler killed. My grandmother was lucky enough to immigrate from Poland to America in about 1937 or 8, so just barely missed Hitler’s chaos. Poles paid a very very steep price in that war and most Poles are Catholic.

    • poVoq@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Poles also majorly contributed to the extermination of their fellow Jewish or communist etc. citizen. A fact not many Poles today like to admit.

      • GenkiFeral@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        from the documentary made by Jews that I watched about Poland, the Jewish narrator says the Jews didn’t sign up for the Polish military to fight for Poland. I wonder if that led to some resentment. Didn’t Poland have the largest Jewish community of any other nation? Also, when the Nazis would spare a group of Poles for giving up a few Jews, well…most people, regardless of background, will choose to save their own hide. Some people would sell out their own kids or parents to save their own hides. My understanding is that their were even some Jews willing to turn in other Jews in order to stay alive (because they are average humans and not saints). If Nazis would’ve asked for Gypsies or mentally ill people, those, too, would’ve been ‘sacrificed’ so that the group wouldn’t face machine gun fire. As far as communists are concerned, between 2 and 10 million people in Russia starved to death between 1919 and 1922 and communism was a large part of that. If I was a Pole and heard about that, I might give up a few communists, too. Idealism is NOT reality. All life forms evolved in a certain way and no form of ideology can completely erase nature inherent in each us: nature favors smarts, health, vigor, and competition, strength. Getting along and persuasion have their places, as well, but to a lesser degree. Call me ugly, stupid, removed, a dyke, stinky, a slut, you name it…I regard being called a communist one of the worst things. I feel little pity for them. We are not all ‘equal’ and can never be, because value isn’t the same for every person.

        • poVoq@lemmy.ml
          3 years ago

          Sure, there were individual cases of “saving your own hide” and there were also plenty of individual cases of collaborators that did it for personal gain or because of a very widespread hatred of Jews in Poland that long predates any possible refusal by them to be conscripted to be cannon-fodder for people that treated them like shit for hundreds of years…

          But that is really besides the point, because I wasn’t taking about individual reasons why people might or might have not contributed to the (German led) extermination of Jews in Poland, but rather about the refusal by most Poles today to acknowledge that they did play a big role in that, and many did so very willingly.

          Oh and the Polish (German etc.) communist had very little to do with the atrocities committed by the counter-revolutionary self-proclaimed “communists” around Lenin and thus definitely did not deserve to be slaughtered in concentration-camps regardless of what your personal stance on communism might be.

          • GenkiFeral@lemmy.ml
            3 years ago

            its all about the Jews. Because they are the only hated minority, right? Cry me a river. Go read (or watch) some history and you’ll see that humans have been hating and terrorizing others humans since we walked on 2 legs. Oh, it was the ‘real’ communists who were good and not those fake communists…yeah…that sounds like what Christians say about ‘real’ and ‘fake’ Christians. Where is the litmus test???

    • nerdyguy1990@lemmy.mlOP
      3 years ago

      I’m bothered the user was allowed to post hateful things in the first place. It ruins the atmosphere of a site.

      • GenkiFeral@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        I dislike hateful stuff, too, but what one person finds hateful, another person might not. When I am in the break room eating and some one who hates vegans (which I am) starts talking loudly about how she remembers her family slaughtering the family’s pigs and them eating it and it taste good, well, it upsets me. But, this world isn’t here just for me and i am not the thought police and neither are you. Life is fricking hard and you and I are need to toughen up a bit.

        • sinewyshadow@lemmy.ml
          3 years ago

          Not to go off topic, but have you read the Egg Theory? It’s a story of a guy who dies, ends up in heaven, and he has a conversation with God. I’m not quite sure, but, I think he asks God how his family is, etc and God’s like that’s refreshing to hear you ask that. You just died, but you’re concerned about your family. Anyways, it’s later revealed that the Earth is an egg created just for the person that died, and that everyone is him, and he is everyone. Basically, he will live and die until he’s lived and died as everyone else. I’ll look the story up but that’s the jist of it.

        • pinknoise@lemmy.ml
          3 years ago

          So if someone wants to slaughter people I have to just accept it because the world isn’t just there for me?