I have heard that they do more than many ML parties that just end up doing bureaucratic paperwork or selling out to liberal parties. Is that true?

    • ghost_of_faso2
      9 months ago

      Yes, but ive also been reading ‘Anarchism in North East England 1882 – 1992’ and in it they talk about how anarchists and communists where working togther, debating togther and organizing togther for workers rights and material improvement.

      It does achknowledge that statist anarchists, or communists managed to do more, but also that they didnt take away from the movement either. I agree there are fundemental differences, but they can be middle grounded I think if an anarchist is willing to give a little ground.

      Like for example, the battle of cable street; where anarchists and communists joined forces to kick the shit out of oppo and the fash during WW2

      I will say you need to take anarchists with a era and geographical perspective, in the UK anarchists where not widely anti-semitic and driven by anti-communism, like european anarchists; instead they where focused on anti-fascism, solidarity striking with workers and building alt housing for workers.