Do they make gueianeai pig sized versions of these?
I clicked on the post below this one and was very confused by this comment at first
Someone might be able to 3d print one like this where you could just reuse a plastic water bottle from the gas station maybe?
Where does it leak from?
the spigot :( the best one I used would not leak of it was in the right place but it would get turned a bit to the side when drank from and then slowly leak. you know like the ball bearing in the metal tube is supposed to stop the water when it’s not being used but it just hasn’t done that, I’ve had like 5 different ones and they all ended up soaking the wood shavings. it’s a guinea pig btw (i didn’t know how to spell it so I just said hamster lol) and they prefer dry environments.
The ball bearing just sits in the straw? Something has to be blocking it I would think. Maybe it just needs a good cleaning or maybe a gasket needs to be replaced.
Protip: plug the hole the water is meant to come out of and the hamsters can just drink from the leak.
it leaks through the goddamn tube its supposed to drink from
seriously i’ve tried 3 different kinds more than once and they all piss all the water into the cage, soaking the wood shavings and making a moist and unhealthy environment for my critter :(