second-plane Mr president, the predominantly cis radlibs claiming that “all tankies are transphobic” are about to visit the trans tankie website and discover we’re even more far left because of our queerness, not despite it

  • Infamousblt [any]
    10 months ago

    As a follow up to myself although it’s a funny cope it’s still kinda harmful because a lot of queers suffer from all sorts of queer imposterness (like me yay!) and it really sucks when folks tell me I’m not queer. It took years of being told I am and I’m positive this is a very common experience. So yeah. Funny cope but also still harmful. So when they inevitably brigade us, fellow queers, you are queer enough. I promise.

    Being told I’m not left enough is just funny though they can keep that cope.

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      10 months ago

      As a follow up to myself although it’s a funny cope it’s still kinda harmful

      Denying that trans people are actually trans is textbook transphobia, but i wouldn’t expect anything else from liberals after the whole federation disaster. These people cannot conceptualize that we exist as actual human beings they can have a conversation with, we’re just a political wedge issue to them. We’re something they can use to set themselves apart from Republikans, we do not exist to these solipsistic lanyard-wearing asses as distinct individuals with agency and the fact that we, by the very nature of our existence, know a million times more about queer issues than them, is completely unbearable to liberals. I don’t think any of these cis shits has ever consciously talked to a trans person before, they’re completely overwhelmed when they see that people here have other pronouns than “he/him”. Any time i’ve argued with stupid fuckheads like that, they adamantly refused to say “you” when talking about trans people, it was always “they” as if i wasn’t even there.

      • Infamousblt [any]
        10 months ago

        I see this a lot with folks talking about how we defederated from blahaj. “Well their head mod is trans so how can they be an unsafe place for trans people!” We have many trans mods and trans users Hexbear and everyone agreed that blahaj was not a safe space for our trans community. Libs ignore the multitude of trans voices here in favor of the few trans voices elsewhere that agree with them because they don’t really care about trans people in the first place. It’s all tokenization. Insert any marginalized group in place of trans folks and the point stands. Libs don’t care about anything but their own image and they don’t care who they use or who they hurt to maintain that image. It’s kinda disgusting. But they’ll say we’re somehow the ones harming marginalized communities because Stalin did a bad thing once 70 years ago or something.

        Our cis straight folks here are generally at least pretty good about listening instead of tokenizing. It’s not even hard just…don’t post dumb opinions about groups you aren’t a part of. Pretty much job done. Libs can’t even do that.

        • kristina [she/her]
          10 months ago

          It’s pretty common that trans spaces online get swarmed by cissie chasers, even Chinese ones. If you don’t stamp that shit out it’s not going to be a good space