A U.K. woman was photographed standing in a mirror where her reflections didn't match, but not because of a glitch in the Matrix. Instead, it's a simple iPhone computational photography mistake.
This takes it to an extreme, but most of the image from any modern phone camera is largely simulated. The sensor data only acts as a rough template for an image that gets generated. A good video on the subject https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY8OFp0-UZw
Does this even meet the definition of a camera? This is not a projection of a scene that ever existed.
This takes it to an extreme, but most of the image from any modern phone camera is largely simulated. The sensor data only acts as a rough template for an image that gets generated. A good video on the subject https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY8OFp0-UZw