November 16 is the anniversary of The Annexation of Indian Territory in 1907. Indian Territory was where all the tribes from the east coast were forcibly relocated to. This day marks the end of their sovereignty.

We all know the story of The Trail of Tears. 60,000 people were evicted from their homes to make room for white settlers. They were told to relocate to Indian Territory on the other side of the Mississippi. There they would be able to live life as they saw fit, away from the settlers. Of course this was a lie, but for a time, the survivors of the journey did enjoy some freedom and autonomy.

But eventually of course, the US came to claim the land back. First they took control over the tribal governments in 1898. Then they expanded the borders of nearby Oklahoma to include all of Indian Territory, and admitted it as a state. The tribes had wanted to be admitted as their own state (The state of Sequoia), but the US had long since bothered making any pretense of negotiations.

The land was taken and Jim Crow laws were quickly passed. Any equality that black people had felt under tribal rule was quickly swept away. The new state of Oklahoma would then become the racist cesspit that it is today. The tribes were relegated to their reservations and ceased to wield any political power. The US had won their fight for white “democracy”.

  • WhatWouldKarlDoOPM
    10 months ago

    Honourable mentions to:

    Manuel Noriega, School of the Americas alum, CIA agent, and one time US puppet dictator of Panama, points out that the trial might not be that fair in 1990, as he wasn’t allowed to talk about his CIA work. The regime of course disagreed, saying it wasn’t relevant to his case. He was convicted of many crimes that the CIA commits regularly.

    In a move resembling a comic book villain, President Reagan decides to launch covert operations to block Cuban aid to Nicaragua and El Salvador in 1981. You can’t make this up.