90 percent of the event was great, sold a lot of books made a lot of connections. That was until some anti-civilization Anarchists flipped out table and stole our shit. Twice. The first time everyone saw it wasn’t our fault, even some wobblies came and helped us. The 2nd time we weren’t so lucky and they kicked us out. The organizers of the event were too blinded by their Anarchist bias to see that the people breaking our shit were obviously in the wrong. It’s not like we crashed the event, we payed 90 bucks to have a table. Even with this BS we still made plenty of money and connections. They think this is some victory and are gloating about it. PCUSA is rising and some people aren’t happy about it. If it wasn’t obvious that Anarchists are synthetic glowies movement before, it sure is now.

  • MLchavito_Del_Ocho
    2 years ago

    Adding “ flipping commie table” to the long list of anarchist achievements.

    Anarchism is so fucked cuz of how broad it is jfc. I know anarchists that would be down with y’all, and then there are anarchists like this. People can shit and piss on communists but at least we’ve been pretty damn consistent.