Any history nerds who can explain how electoral reforms have come about since it seems like the incentive structure is completely aligned against the politicians currently in office ever seeing a pressing need to reform elections when it was those same elections that got them elected and so therefore benefit them personally, even if they acknowledge that they are imperfect systems.

It seems impossible. Bourgeois Democracy is such an endless crock of shit from top to bottom.

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  • PKMKII [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    The problem with electoral reforms is that politicians and parties are only going to advocate for them if they think it’ll benefit them. Dems advocate for eliminating the electoral college or nullifying via the interstate compact and republicans oppose it because the former gains an advantage from one person one vote while Republicans can’t win the presidency without the EC. So it’s easy to attack politicians advocating for them as wanting to rewrite the laws to secure their position and compromising democracy in the process.