November 4 is the anniversary of the founding of The National Security Agency (NSA) in 1952. Created as a continuation of World War II codebreaking and signals intelligence, it continues to this day as the US agency primarily responsible for mass surveillance, wiretapping, and digital warfare.

Their exploits through the years have been questionable at best. There is evidence that they were behind the Gulf of Tonkin false flag incident that started the Vietnam War. Project MINARET saw them create watch lists of anti-war protestors and civil rights activists. The justification given for this illegal activity was this:

“this Bureau has a continuing interest in receiving intelligence information obtained under MINARET…There are both white and black racial extremists in the U.S. advocating and participating in illegal and violent activities for the purpose of destroying our present form of government. Because of this goal, such racial extremists are natural allies of foreign enemies of the U.S.”

Which of course is complete nonsense. You can’t define a citizen who wants to make meaningful changes to society as a foreign enemy. But of course, it went on and on. Powers within the regime eventually did attempt to curtail their surveillance. The NSA kept their heads down and waited. Of course, in 2001, they finally had the excuse they needed to start it up again. Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act enabled them to do whatever they liked. Here’s their pamphlet about it. You can also read what the ACLU claims, or better yet, read what whistleblower Edward Snowden told the world.

To sum it up, the NSA has been eavesdropping on the entire world. They’ve tapped the Internet backbone, they’ve been listening in to their “allies” conversations, they’ve been intercepting SMS messages, and they’ve been routinely hacking the networks of “enemy” countries. If that’s not good enough, how about the US Courts even admitting that the whole thing was wildly illegal? Of course in response to this discovery, the US regime arrested everyone who talked about it.

In this briefing from the White House, published November 3, 2023, they even have the gall to say this about China:

“I found that the use of Chinese surveillance technology outside the PRC and the development or use of Chinese surveillance technology to facilitate repression or serious human rights abuse constituted unusual and extraordinary threats to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I expanded the national emergency to address these threats.”

The hypocrisy truly knows no bounds.