Can’t wait for the subscription service to avoid having ads mid-dream:
Was watching a lot of TV as a teenager in the late 80s.
One day I was dreaming, then I dreamed a commercial break (some kind of record collection from time life music) then my dream continued.
Next morning I had a WTF I’m watching way too much TV moment.
Great, I’m going to have to sleep in a faraday cage.
The ability to have sex in the dream is another $80 / month The ability to choose your sexual partner is $30 / encounter Flying is VIP only ($200 / month tier) VIP does not include sex dreams, which must be purchased separately with a $10 discount for VIP subscribers!
“What is not known, yet, is whether TUS can induce or stabilize lucid dreams, though the Prophetic team is banking on a positive answer to this open question. Its wearable headband prototype, the Halo, was developed with the company Card79 and can currently read EEG data of users. Over the next year, Prophetic aims to use the dataset from their partnership with the Donders Institute to train machine learning models that will stimulate targeted neural activity in users with ultrasound transducers as a means of inducing lucid dreams.”
That’s a pretty big caveat. Who the fuck would sign up to be their guinea pig for testing this? A huge part of training these models is providing feedback when it gets things wrong, but we’re talking brains here.
We’re talking brains, indeed.
New interrogation method just dropped.
We just need to have out subconscious militarized, so there’s no workaround on those defenses. I think have a good idea for my next start up.
I think your startup should look at partnering with Foreverspin.
But seriously, amazing desk toys.
I’m not sure Cobb, to they spin until they fall or just spin forever in your dreams?
So we need Psychonauts training?
I knew I should have went to that summer camp