I am just wondering why we dont using technology to rull the world together yet…

just get unite and work together

how many people using open source hardware/software?

I have a lot of questions and I wanna hear ALL opinions…

no prejudice so kill me now ;)

  • zorkmids_for_nothing@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    digital file sharing […] has had MASSIVE benefits in information sharing and accessibility of some information […] but has also prompted artificial scarcity

    You mean artificial scarcity of those resources by, for example, companies charging access fees, as is the case with scientific journals?

    I think that problem is still inherently a cause of scarcity. File sharing is cheap enough that it doesn’t have to be scarce, but companies want money, and they’ve figured out a way to make those resources artificially scarce. But if food and shelter and whole bunch of other stuff wasn’t scarce, companies wouldn’t even need to exist. Why work if all resources are readily available for free?

    Do note that I’m talking about some Startrek-esque future utopia with basically unlimited availability of electric power, natural resources and automation. Maybe we’ll get that far as a species someday, but for now I guess there’s plenty of scarcity to go around. Pun intended. ;-)