A good friend of mine is split from her ex husband. There are shared children between the 2 families. The other family is extremely active and insistent on Baptist denomination and allllll the lovely trappings that come along with it.

My friend is agnostic, not atheist, however, her daughter (11) is really starting to be indoctrinated hard, to the point where my friend feels like her daughter doesn’t respect her because she isn’t part of the child’s faith.

The child is said to be a bright kid. She’s a “sponge” I’m told, with a desire for knowledge. My friend has asked me if I know of any good literature for the occasion (I dont).

I’m looking for something to gift to this child, to give them some options in life for methids to think about these issues, which come from.a source outside of the church.

Nobody’s looking to ruin a little girl’s faith, but my friend is concerned that she’s really latching on too hard and wants to make sure that she has some options available to her, so that she can count on that amazing children’s sense of curiosity to solve the issue itself.

This is weird subject I’m hopefully approaching it appropriately and respectfully enough, I know people can be testy about forcing anything on anyone. It’s not that at all. She literally just wants some literature that might expose the child to either some of the issues with Christianity and the Baptist religion or even just larger theological principles.

If this is a shitty ask I’m sorry, tell me and I’ll nuke this. But as someone who had to work extremely hard to deprogram myself from the same Baptist curse, I too want this child to have some options for how to think about life and frame these difficult questions.

Update: Thanks everyone. I’ve ordered 3 paperbacks and I am going to attempt to make a deal with my friend’s daughter. If she agrees to read these 3 books, I will read the Bible again one more time, all the way through. I think it’s a good deal, and should be hard to pass up for a budding young Christian looking to spread the joy of Christ.

This doesn’t mean I’m not still open to suggestions! This has been a productive conversation and I’d love to keep it rolling. Too much of this sub is hating on faith, not enough encouragement of free thought.