Caveats: this is an anonymous, registration free, federated messageboard, so you may see content that’s offensive.

I’m trying to build this up to be interesting software. My next planned features are a “relay” tool that archives “chan” style discussions on other websites running other software (non federated) and scrapes/imports them, using a special relay tool. May do this for RSS feeds as well

Another future update will include alternate thread view frontends: one will be 4chan style, which shows the top threads with their opening post and last X replies; the other will be reddit/usenet style which shows threads as trees, where replies are under the message they’re replying to, indented in a layer

Recently added pseudo-moderated tags, which I call boards: example redacted : where a user can claim a hashtag and moderate within the /b/ “board” context (hide comments and threads, sticky, send threads to the bottom of the threadlist) and image embeds via whitelisted hosts