October 24 is the anniversary of The Los Angeles Chinese Massacre in 1871. This day saw 18 Chinese residents of Los Angeles lynched and murdered.

It started like it often does in the US. The capitalist media of the time started printing editorials about Chinese immigrants, their general racial inferiority, and their lack of moral character. When a fight broke out in the Chinese community, the white residents of Los Angeles were worked up enough to begin cleansing the city of Chinese immigrants.

In the end, about 10% of the white population in the city of 6000 had attacked and killed about 10% of the Chinese population. Murder charges were filed against 25 people. Only 10 went to trial. 8 were convicted of manslaughter, but they were overturned by the California supreme court because the prosecution “failed to allege that Chee Long Tong was murdered”. The issue was quickly swept under the rug.

The media made very little note of it, but continued its crusade against Chinese immigrants. Sinophobia continued to grow, and lynchings persisted. The federal government would pass the Chinese Exclusion Act just over 10 years later, which officially barred Chinese immigrants from entering the country. The massacre was lost to history for over 100 years. The media continues to push sinophobia, and the US regime continues to sabre rattle against the People’s Republic of China.

  • WhatWouldKarlDoOPM
    11 months ago

    Honourable mention to The Unveiling of the Gladio Operation in 1990. This was a wide sweeping program where the US trained and funded terrorist groups across Europe ostensiably to act as resistance in case of Soviet invasion. In actuality, it was just arming card carrying Nazis, who would then go on to commit terrorist attacks upon the US’ political enemies.