Now that Steve Scalise is the official Republican nominee for House Speaker, the first vote is expected to begin around 3 PM Eastern, 12 Noon Pacific.


First public vote has been delayed, it could happen at any time.

Please direct all comments and links regarding the actual VOTING to this thread.

"The earliest the full House could have a floor vote on the next speaker would be 3 p.m. That’s because the House adjourned on Tuesday until that time.

There is no required waiting period. Since Republicans have now emerged with a candidate, McHenry can bring the vote up on the floor. In the past when speakers died in office or resigned, the House usually moved directly to electing a new speaker.

There would first be nominating speeches for the speaker candidates, typically offered by their close allies.

The vote itself would be done “viva voce” — meaning members stand when their names are called by a reading clerk and verbally announce whom they are supporting for the position. Members can vote for anyone (even people who are not members of the House), vote present, or not vote at all."

    1 year ago

    You’re one internet search away from knowing.

    Guarantee if you search that with no other context, the first result will be the right one.