u/LeftConnoisseur - originally from r/GenZhou

  • archive_botOPB
    2 years ago

    u/FaustTheBird - originally from r/GenZhou

    there is no evidence indicating that the US is developing biological weapons in Ukraine

    What is wrong with you? Under what conditions would it make sense for the US government to fund and collaboratively operate biolabs in Ukraine, at the border of Russia, after a coup that was pretty clearly infiltrated by US interests, that ultimately brought neo-nazis into a legitimate role in the state?

    What capabilities could they possibly have in Ukraine that don’t exist elsewhere and aren’t besieged by violent threats to both operations and to infrastructure and to supply chain?

    The only thing Ukraine has going for it is that it’s not on US soil, is willing to absolve the US of any wrongdoings in order to get into NATO, and there’s already an active espionage infrastructure in place including CIA black sites.

    If they’re not developing bioweapons, then they’re either operating a red herring or they’re operating the most ham-fisted “cancer research” lab ever concocted.