u/Babybroda69 - originally from r/GenZhou
Did it get taken down?

    • archive_botOPB
      2 years ago

      u/THOSANDJosh - originally from r/GenZhou
      They ban any subreddit that challenges the neoliberal messaging. Right wing isolationist nationalism is bad for global capitalism, white supremacists and proud boys fighting “big guberment” is not conducive to the global anglo empire. Not to mention that liberals are trying (and failing) to present themselves as “progressive” and “woke”, and as ostensibly against racism and white supremacy since the bourgeoisie have deemed “wokeism” as good for business (white people are in decline, that’s probably the long term capitalist reasoning).

      Those subreddits you listed were purged mostly for being bigoted shitholes, whereas left wing subreddits are simply banned for being challenging to the narrative that the US State Department tries to manufacture.

      Yes, right wing subreddits occasionally have what I would consider stances that are accidentally anti-imperialist (broken clock and all that), but I consider those stances accidental because their reasoning hinges on often horrifically stupid and bigoted beliefs.

      Either way, it’s just evidence that Fascism with American characteristics is coming back home now that the empire is in decline. It starts with censorship and blacklisting, and it only escalates from there. Expect some neo-McCarthyism down the road.