u/kimjongUSA - originally from r/GenZhou
Ok guys, aside from all the ideological talk… is it not simply tiresome everyday have to deal and interact with people who are so wildly ignorant about the world? Anti-communism seeps into every aspect of people lives to the point where it becomes an inextricable part of their identity, and the worst part – they have no self-awareness about it whatsoever. [I hate to talk like this because practically any other political ideology can just call others ignorant and complain “why isn’t everyone else like me”, but I’m assuming those of you who are here are here because you are like me and there is something deep down in it that has touched your soul such that you are 100% sure that this is the way forward; it’s not an opinion, it’s a conviction, and it comes from within]

So, to put it simply, how do you function in a capitalist society without being a hermit or otherwise bashing your head against the wall all day trying to convince others of the obvious?

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/interfaith_orgy - originally from r/GenZhou
    This attitude is why people hate communists. The majority of people are not “wildly ignorant” about how much capitalism sucks, unless you ask in a theory-laden way that would confuse the average person. It sounds more like you are wildly arrogant.

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/FaustTheBird - originally from r/GenZhou

      The majority of people are not “wildly ignorant” about how much capitalism sucks

      The majority of Westerners don’t believe that capitalism is an inherently violent system, believe that socialist is despotism, and don’t believe that the US trains death squads to murder innocent civilians.

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/w0kecommie - originally from r/GenZhou
      I think people implicitly feel the issues of capitalism, like alienation for example, but don’t necessarily know why they feel that way or how it relates to capitalism as a system. So it’s less about lecturing or teaching people and more about helping them connect the dots which they already have on their own.

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/Comrade_Corgo - originally from r/GenZhou
      I’m pretty sure conservatives are very ignorant, politically. People can be good at all kinds of things and be smart in different ways, however, if you’re a conservative, you just are ignorant of how the world works. It’s not like it’s their fault or they were born that way, the bourgeoisie broadcast ignorance across their channels and media purposefully in order to confuse workers and lull class consciousness to sleep.

      I can be aware that my political development is relatively higher compared to the average population, in fact that is necessary to do so that you can be aware of the type of language you use depending on who you are talking to, however I am also realistic in that my own political development can always be improved upon and that there are others who have been and are at a higher level than myself. Everyone has room to learn.

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/kimjongUSA - originally from r/GenZhou

      This attitude is why people hate communists.

      Nope. People hate communists because they are taught to hate communism. I’ve never even met a communist in real life (in my country)

      The majority of people are not “wildly ignorant” about how much capitalism sucks,

      Not about “how”, but about “why” and that’s the key point. The opposite of ignorance, to me, is not a subconscious awareness of a problem, but rather knowledge of the facts and root causes of it.

      If I’m arrogant for believing that my ideology is correct, I think its safe to say that anyone who believes any ideology is arrogant, and in that case communists shouldn’t be hated more than any other ideologue.

      Your comment seems like a strange leftist version of virtue signalling tbh. Calling out a supposed injustice without giving more than 3 seconds of thought to it nor any proposed solutions.

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/interfaith_orgy - originally from r/GenZhou
        Dude, it’s Reddit, not my dissertation. By “people,” I am gathering that you may just mean Americans or Westerners. This is the main source of our confusion. That seems to be who you are using the very general term “people” to refer to because, in many parts of the world, Marxism-Leninism and numerous varieties of socialism are popular ideologies. No one is saying you are arrogant for thinking Marxism is correct. Straw man. For Christ’s sake, everyone here thinks Marxism is correct. What I meant is that, based on your tone, you seem to speak down to your fellow countrymen based on the basis that you are ideologically superior for being able to understand exactly why capitalism is an immoral, exploitative system. This is not a way to win people over. The majority of people are working class and, as such, the majority of people know, somewhere deep inside, that capitalism is an exploitative system. They may not have been taught the necessary language to say it in the way you and I can, but that doesn’t make them “wildly ignorant,” just propagandized, mostly propaganda by omission. That is why I said that you seem awfully arrogant.

        Also, you seen to not have a very good understanding of the concept of virtue-signaling, which is an alt-right buzzword to begin with, so I don’t really know why we’re using it here. And yeah, it’s the internet, so I do have the privilege of being able to call out a problem and not propose a solution.