u/kimjongUSA - originally from r/GenZhou
Ok guys, aside from all the ideological talk… is it not simply tiresome everyday have to deal and interact with people who are so wildly ignorant about the world? Anti-communism seeps into every aspect of people lives to the point where it becomes an inextricable part of their identity, and the worst part – they have no self-awareness about it whatsoever. [I hate to talk like this because practically any other political ideology can just call others ignorant and complain “why isn’t everyone else like me”, but I’m assuming those of you who are here are here because you are like me and there is something deep down in it that has touched your soul such that you are 100% sure that this is the way forward; it’s not an opinion, it’s a conviction, and it comes from within]

So, to put it simply, how do you function in a capitalist society without being a hermit or otherwise bashing your head against the wall all day trying to convince others of the obvious?

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/Kosmologie - originally from r/GenZhou
    Yeah honestly this is a really critical question because, frankly, to most Americans at least, people who won’t shut the fuck up about communism are weird and alienating. Best advice I’ve heard from union organizers is “be normal” lmao.

    Like most people out here are just trying to live their damn lives. At the end of the day politics is written off as irrelevant by most Americans. You are never going to convince anyone to care let alone read Lenin by arguing with them. When you do talk politics, be socratic. Don’t assert your opinions. Don’t even say your stance if they don’t ask you. Get them to explain their opinions, get to the root of them. Seek to really understand, without judgment, why they hold these opinions, and prod at what you think might get them to think harder. With the right questions you can lead them to radical thought without quoting Capital. They need to come around by themselves. And that’s probably not going to happen with one conversation.

    Our role is to guide others to the correct path. The keyword being guide, because you can’t force anyone to actually believe something.

    In all this you need to respect their intellect, respect their humanity, and recognize that we have all been inundated with propaganda our entire fucking lives, and the opinions they hold aren’t even really their own, nor is that their fault, nor is it on your shoulders to change them.

    Also like having some interests outside of politics that you can relate to people via is super important. Get into basketball, enjoy some movies etc. Touch grass, as it were.