u/Creeemi - originally from r/GenZhou
Also why are there two republics and not one? And was/is there really genocide in Donbas? I know about the 2014 fascist led coup by NATO aligned neo nazis and all that, but I dont really understand about the situatoin in east Ukraine, except that they are mostly russian speaking and have pro russian sentiments (which the west ukrainians dont like).

Edit: Also what exactly is Minsk II, why do people say its dead and who broke it and why?

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/Alwaysdeadly - originally from r/GenZhou
    Imperialism in the sense that communists use it doesn’t just mean ‘a state acting in its interests’ or ‘expansionism’. Lenin’s “Imperialism…” is only 90 pages, and may help your understanding of modern ‘imperialism’.