u/Jazzlike-Strength730 - originally from r/GenZhou
Sorry, i don’t really know much about the situation in general.

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/darkcalling - originally from r/GenZhou
    Four reasons:

    1. Money for military industrial complex, hype a threat, sell arms, stock line go up.

    2. Stop Russian Nordstream pipeline, shut down Russian gas and oil exports to Europe. This has three primary results if successful:

    1. force Europe onto more expensive American gas and oil,
    1. further blockades and embargoes Russia a geopolitical enemy to impoverish it, isolate it and try and cause it to collapse.
    1. As a result of 1-2 Europe and the EU is weakened and leashed to the US while Russia is also kept in check, it preserves US hegemony and prevents Europe going their own way and creating a counter-balance to American national bourgeoisie.
    1. American public needs an enemy. Yes China is and will still be there but they want to rile the American people up against Russia as well. It’s part of a propaganda push to attempt to isolate them, to get public support for attacking them, and to keep the public ignorant of the situation and keep the proles (who are increasingly suffering massive deteriorations of quality of life) distracted and foaming at the mouth.

    2. To create the pretext and atmosphere where if they stage a false flag or do something to goad Russia into military intervention, however limited they can hop up and down screaming and justify whatever they want. They are deliberately increasing tensions with Russia.

    They also want Ukraine in NATO to put arms and armies right up against Russia’s border. When it comes right down to it the anglo’s are mad and immoral. I think if they could get the jump on Russia and nuke it (or otherwise attack) in a way that cuts off leadership (decapitating strike) and lets a hand-picked person take control and put the country under their sway and open for plunder again they wouldn’t hesitate if it killed ten million Russians.