u/Jazzlike-Strength730 - originally from r/GenZhou
Sorry, i don’t really know much about the situation in general.

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/Ganem1227 - originally from r/GenZhou
    to be fair, this new pipeline sounds like it screws the Ukrainians regardless of who their leadership is. Was there something the Russians were going to do to placate them?

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/cfgaussian - originally from r/GenZhou
      If the Ukrainian government hadn’t killed their own economy on the orders of their US masters by cutting off most of their ties to Russia (their biggest trading partner on which most of their industry and general economy has historically relied on), neoliberalizing, privatizing and selling everything off to western corporations that was still of any value, then maybe Ukraine wouldn’t be in the situation it is now, they would have more diverse economic prospects and wouldn’t be so dependent on this and so vulnerable to disruptions.

      Ukraine has been effectively turned into a neocolony over the past 8 years and millions of people have left the country. The west has succeeded in completely ruining it, and now seeing as they are pulling out their embassies from Kiev it seems like they have decided they have milked it for all it was worth and are going to abandon it and let it collapse.

      The plan is probably to maintain a pro-western rump state in western Ukraine around Lviv which is an ultranationalist neonazi stronghold, and which they can actually integrate into NATO and give Ukraine’s UN seat to.

      The rest of the country being 45% Russian speaking they would never have been able to completely pacify.

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/iHerpTheDerp511 - originally from r/GenZhou
        These are very valuable points, thanks for adding them. With regards to milking Ukrainian I think you also hit the nail on the head. Much like the forces of capital leading up to World War 1, the west has run out of markets to expand into; in Europe, central/South America, and South-Eastern Asia.

        This leaves the western powers with only one solution in order to maintain the system of capital expansion in order to maintain the profit levels western corporations have grown accustomed too: the complete and total destruction of the Ukrainian national bourgeoisie (Ukranian capital) along with the manufacturing base (productive forces).

        In manufacturing this conflict the hopes are that western capital can destroy the capital and productive capacity of Ukraine and then induct them into NATO so that western capital can supplant itself as a replacement to what was lost and create a new market for further capital expansion. Though this would all be done through a proxy war with Russia in which Ukraine is armed and supported through NATO powers.