The thing I hated most on night shift was, if something was screwed up on day shift and was still an issue when I came in, they would pass it off; but, if something was screwed up at the end of my shift, I had to stay until it was resolved, sometimes for hours.
The thing I hated most on night shift was, if something was screwed up on day shift and was still an issue when I came in, they would pass it off; but, if something was screwed up at the end of my shift, I had to stay until it was resolved, sometimes for hours.
I had a coworker who used to tell customers he was working on their issue and to call him back after 4pm. His shift ended at 2pm.
That’s shitty.
I hated the 3 am witching hour. We had to make decisions as consultants. 3 am rolls around and you question everything
I just want to fall asleep from 3-5. Doesn’t matter if I slept all day and got up at 10:30PM.