Hamas’s Qassam Brigades has threatened to execute Israeli captives if Israel continues to bombard and kill civilians in Gaza.

“Any targeting of innocent civilians without warning will be met regretfully by executing one of the captives in our custody, and we will be forced to broadcast this execution,” said Abu Obeida, a spokesman for Hamas’ Qassam Brigades.

“We regret this decision but we hold the Zionist enemy and their leadership the responsibility for this,” he said.

  • Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I am not aware of any “on the record” incidents of IDF soldiers raping Palestinians. However, a bit of research shows a pretty horrific series of articles about IDF commanders allowing Hamas prisoners to rape IDF soldiers but…

    Similarly, there are documented accusations of rape by Israeli soldiers during past wars.

    But, beyond that: it is pretty much “known” that soldiers will use sexual violence as a weapon during war. It is one of the horrors of war that shows up pretty much no matter what army is involved.

    So… while I am not going to accuse Israeli soldiers of rape (and actively didn’t), that is not the line in the sand I would use to argue why one set of violent thugs are better than others.

    And I already addressed the distinction without difference of executing Palestinian civilians in an open air prison being held hostage to try to encourage other Palestinians to “behave” in front of news cameras versus on twitter.