So, I’m more conservative leaning (European wise) but everywhere I go - the communities are usually filled with so much hate. That I just avoid it.

Is there any place that I can go where there’s not so much based on hate but more on actual discussions and such?

Though, I have been told that - European wise, it is considered more leaning to left in eyes of US. So bit confused.

Note; please keep it civil.

EDIT: Thanks for the responses (even the hateful ones lol), I got the grasp of what I asked. I’ll look into the suggestions that were made.

EDIT 2: I LOVE how some of you are saying that conservatives are so hateful and yet here you are. Doing the exact same thing. Quite cute and ironic lol! That said if it makes you feel better to spew hate on Lemmy go ahead.

I always thought that the “left side” were open minded and friendly but seems I was wrong, at least here on Lemmy. I suppose, Lemmy become Reddit 2.0. In that way.

    1 year ago

    It annoys me, and it’s not a good look, but to a point, I can understand what’s behind it.

    In the past, conservatives had a greater respect for education and fair debate. There was more tolerance for moderate views. In recent years, things have gotten increasingly emotional and extreme. I can attribute some of the disrespect to frustration with that change.

    You’re right, though - this IS a politely posed question. None of what I was talking about above applies in this specific case. It’s inappropriate to attack OP for their beliefs when they’re going out of their way to be diplomatic.

      1 year ago

      Being polite is pretty meaningless when you advocate against victims of harassment and sexual assault, wouldnt you agree? So why are we giving him credit in politely looking for allies when his political ideology is based in bigotry?

      Also, read his old comments. He “politely” condescends and dismisses anyone who disagrees with his stances. He “politely” tells them to not be emotional and just accept his view of things. Fuck him.

      I don’t care if “it’s a good look”, I’m not trying to sugar coat truths for misogynists. What that party believed in the past is irrelevant, what they say and do now matters. It’s not a frustration with their change, its an unwillingness to respect them while they openly court fascism. Which, i think, is pretty damn reasonable.

      You want to shame me for being rude to the right? I hope you’re used to be ignored. I’m not going to be a part of sowing division on the left, even when a conservative asks me to “politely”.

        1 year ago

        No, I’m not going to shame you. You’re right. It’s just that I set the bar VERY low when it comes to conservatives and their discussion methods.

        I want to encourage civilized discourse, even if the views being expressed are highly problematic. I figure that the views themselves can’t be effectively addressed until the communication skills are ironed out. Discussion without an explosive tantrum is only a little bit of progress, but it is laying the groundwork for further progress. Baby steps.

        Oh, and no, I hadn’t looked at their post history. Now I have. Yikes.