So, I’m more conservative leaning (European wise) but everywhere I go - the communities are usually filled with so much hate. That I just avoid it.

Is there any place that I can go where there’s not so much based on hate but more on actual discussions and such?

Though, I have been told that - European wise, it is considered more leaning to left in eyes of US. So bit confused.

Note; please keep it civil.

EDIT: Thanks for the responses (even the hateful ones lol), I got the grasp of what I asked. I’ll look into the suggestions that were made.

EDIT 2: I LOVE how some of you are saying that conservatives are so hateful and yet here you are. Doing the exact same thing. Quite cute and ironic lol! That said if it makes you feel better to spew hate on Lemmy go ahead.

I always thought that the “left side” were open minded and friendly but seems I was wrong, at least here on Lemmy. I suppose, Lemmy become Reddit 2.0. In that way.

    9 months ago

    Well, you’re not like any conservative I’ve ever spoken with. At least not in the America sense of the word- maybe it’s different in a European context.

    I tend to drop basically every political topic with anyone that actually identifies themselves that way. In my experience that is not going to lead to any kind of pleasant conversation or debate so I just don’t engage.

    “Non-hateful conservative” basically reads like an oxymoron to me.