I’m starting to see why America hasn’t won a war in like 100 years.

It’s pretty embarrassing when you starve your people just to have the world’s most expensive army… only to constantly lose. Lmao.

  • its not During Wartime , it was 1 day after the Coup that they forbade the Russian Region from using Russian in Administration. You knowledge of ukraine is a moldy bunch of fake facts from which you then try to reason , but its fucking useless to “reason” from a bunch of utterly deranged fake facts. Like Starting you anaysis with confusing “Cause” and “Reaction” … makes you analysis absolutly useless…

    then i see a clear Emotional Need to somehow shield the worlds Most Deranged and amoral nation (i consider you a member of it and file it under “hurt Narcisissm” ) , by grasphing for semantics that somehow make the Nation

    • that has Lied for 8years perfidious with Purpose so that the war would Start ( yes to you ! , you can Check , all your “facts” are rotten to the core ) ,

    • Financing the Nation with Purpose that the War will last

    • Turned cause and effect on its head so that @ThirdWorldOrder@lemm.ee proudly & Smuggly walks with the Nazi Perpetrators .

    … innocent.

    The US Tactic is to “Escalate a Security Dilemma” until it forces the other side into “Zugzwang” , then it uses its Softpowrr (and it is Powerfull , your current Believes lay testament to that fact) , to spin it into the “Aggressor” …
